↑ Metamorpho Tail Motion
↑ Metamorpho Leg Motion
↑ Meet Metamorpho: A Robot Simulating Biological Transformation

Metamorpho is a robot modeled upon the metamorphosis of tadpole on the cusp of becoming a frog. It serves as a platform for exploring methods of inducing patterns in self-organizing neural networks with limited sensory input and with no direct instruction using machine learning. These explorations drive the development of control systems for human-wearable devices for mobility-impaired stroke patients which can promote the reestablishment of patients’ own neural pathways.

↑ Metamorpho Tail Motion
↑ Metamorpho Tail Motion

Metamorpho's tail is a multi-chambered, pneumatically-powered bending actuator with six degrees of freedom packed into a small, silicone package.

↑ Metamorpho Leg Motion
↑ Metamorpho Leg Motion

Metamorpho's legs are rigid plastic linkages controlled by cable ligaments and spring returns.